Post by Kenren on Jan 8, 2016 12:30:25 GMT -5
May Week One - June Week Three
Starting balance: $5,530,600
- Impressionable (2nd, GHF): $24,000
- Valine (1st, GHF): $36,000
- National Treasure (1st, GHF): $48,000
- Spirit of Liberty (3rd, BSD): $7,500
- Passionate God (1st, BSD): $96,000
- Wyvern (1st, BSD): $90,000
- Luminous Wave (1st, BSD): $90,000
- Wild Determination (1st, BSD): $96,000
- Criosphinx (3rd, BSD): $7,500
- Roses Rampant (2nd, BSD): $22,500
- Judging: $300
- Total: $517,800
- Hurricane (3rd, GHF): $7,500
- Alucard (3rd, TW): $15,000
- Monarch's Journey (2nd, BSD): $22,500
- Blue Moon (2nd, BSD): $22,500
- Shenanigans (2nd, BSD): $60,000
- Total: $127,500
- Jericho (1st, GHF): $36,000
- Impressionable (2nd, GHF): $24,000
- Spitterfly (2nd, GHF): $30,000
- Spirit of Liberty (3rd, GHF): $7,500
- Ghostly Girl (1st, GHF): $36,000
- Passionate God (2nd, BSD): $24,000
- Wild Determination (2nd, BSD): $60,000
- Aphrodite's Chant (2nd, BSD): $45,000
- Total: $262,500
- Blue Moon (3rd, GHF): $8,000
- The Oddity (2nd, GHF): $24,000
- Shenanigans (1st, GHF): $120,000
- National Treasure (3rd, GHF): $48,000
- Ghostly Girl (2nd, GHF): $36,000
- Laddie Luck (3rd, TW): $15,000
- Grey's Wisdom (2nd, TW): $27,000
- Roses Rampant (1st, BSD): $45,000
- Monarch's Journey (1st, BSD): $90,000
- Stalking The Stars (1st, BSD): $108,000
- Total: $521,000
- Spitterfly (2nd, GHF): $30,000
- Alucard (2nd, GHF): $45,000
- Valine (2nd, GHF): $18,000
- Optical Illusion (2nd, TW): $18,000
- Baciami (1st, TW): $108,000
- Criosphinx (1st, TW): $30,000
- Luminous Wave (1st, BSD): $90,000
- Sweet Mimosa (3rd, BSD): $15,000
- Wyvern (2nd, BSD): $45,000
- Hurricane (3rd, BSD): $7,500
- Wild Determination (3rd, BSD): $20,000
- Total: $426,500
- Jericho (2nd, GHF): $22,500
- Blue Moon (1st, GHF): $45,000
- Stalking The Stars (1st, TW): $54,000
- Valine (2nd, BSD): $48,000
- Roses Rampant (3rd, BSD): $7,500
- Monarch's Journey (1st, BSD): $90,000
- Total: $267,000
- Ghostly Girl (1st, GHF): $36,000
- National Treasure (2nd, GHF): $24,000
- Criosphinx (1st, GHF): $90,000
- Luminous Wave (3rd, GHF): $15,000
- Optical Illusion (1st, GHF): $90,000
- The Oddity (2nd, TW): $12,000
- Toss Up (2nd, TW): $45,000
- Baciami (3rd, TW): $20,000
- Flawless Majesty (3rd, TW): $15,000
- Passionate God (2nd, BSD): $60,000
- Total: $407,000
Total Earned: $2,529,300 (added to bank by Ripley)
Ending Balance: $8,059,900
April Week Two - April Week Four
Starting balance: $4,170,600
- Wyvern (3rd, GHF): $15,000
- Passionate God (2nd, TW): $24,000
- Spitterfly (1st, TW): $48,000
- Miss Magic (3rd, TW): $15,000
- Spirit of Liberty (2nd, TW): $45,000
- Santana's Legend (2nd, TW): $45,000
- Luminous Wave (2nd, BSD): $16,500
- Criosphinx (1st, BSD): $33,000
- Judging: $500
- Total: $242,000
- Monarch's Journey (2nd, GHF): $45,000
- Valine (3rd, GHF): $12,000
- Grey's Wisdom (3rd, GHF): $15,000
- Optical Illusion (2nd, GHF): $45,000
- Flawless Majesty (1st, TW): $90,000
- National Treasure (1st, BSD): $36,000
- Judging: $500
- Total: $243,500
- Ghostly Girl (2nd, GHF): $18,000
- Jericho (3rd, GHF): $6,000
- Alucard (1st, GHF): $60,000
- Phantasm Frost (2nd, GHF): $30,000
- Santana's Legend: (1st, GHF): $540,000
- Shenanigans (1st, BSD): $108,000
- Sweet Mimosa (1st, BSD): $90,000
- Fantasy Island (2nd, BSD): $22,500
- Total: $874,500
- Total earned: $1,360,000 [added to bank account by Ripley]
- Ending balance: $5,530,600
March Week Five - April Week One
Starting balance: $5,076,200
- Flawless Majesty (1st, GHF): $48,000
- Optical Illusion (1st, GHF): $60,000
- Ghostly Girl (2nd, GHF): $30,000
- Phantasm Frost (2nd, GHF): $45,000
- Alucard (1st, GHF): $90,000
- Judging: $300
- Total: $273,300
- Toss Up (2nd, GHF): $45,000
- Laddie Luck (3rd, GHF): $15,000
- Wings of Jayde (1st, GHF): $90,000
- Baciami (2nd, GHF): $45,000
- Blue Moon (2nd, TW): $22,500
- Hurricane (3rd, TW): $7,500
- Roses Rampant (1st, TW): $45,000
- National Treasure (2nd, TW): $18,000
- Impressionable (1st, BSD): $36,000
- Wyvern (1st, BSD): $45,000
- Monarch's Journey (3rd, BSD): $5,500
- Wild Determination (2nd, BSD): $24,000
- Shenanigans (2nd, BSD): $54,000
- Jericho (2nd, BSD): $18,000
- Judging: $600
- Total: $471,100
- Sugar Rush (SOPS sale): -$450,000 [subtracted from bank account by Ripley]
- Simply A Flyer (SOPS sale): -$1,200,000 [subtracted from bank account by Ripley]
Total Earned: 744,400 [added to bank account by Ripley]
Ending balance: 4,170,600
March Week Two - March Week Four
Starting Balance: $2,687,700
- Spirit of Liberty (1st, GHF): $9,000
- Santana's Legend (3rd, GHF): $15,000
- Baciami (1st, GHF): $48,000
- Laddie Luck (1st, TW): $360,000
- Flawless Majesty (1st, TW): $360,000
- Wings Of Jayde (1st, TW): $360,000
- Phantasm Frost (3rd, TW): $60,000
- Valine (1st, BSD): $36,000
- Impressionable (3rd, BSD): $15,000
- Judging: $200
- Total: $1,263,200
- Alucard (2nd, GHF): $45,000
- The Oddity (3rd, GHF): $4,000
- Jericho (2nd, GHF): $18,000
- Shenanigans (2nd, GHF): $45,000
- Miss Magic (1st, TW): $90,000
- Blue Moon (2nd, TW): $45,000
- Toss Up (1st, TW): $90,000
- Santana's Legend (1st, TW): $90,000
- Spitterfly (1st, BSD): $48,000
- Passionate God (1st, BSD): $48,000
- Monarch's Journey (1st, BSD): $24,000
- Wild Determination (2nd, BSD): $60,000
- Judging: $400
- Total: $607,400
- Spitterfly (1st, GHF): $90,000
- Impressionable (2nd, GHF): $18,000
- Valine (2nd, TW): $36,000
- Spirit of Liberty (1st, TW): $36,000
- Laddie Luck (2nd, TW): $45,000
- Blue Moon (1st, TW): $18,000
- Passionate God (2nd, TW): $24,000
- Aphrodite's Chant (1st, TW): $90,000
- Luminous Wave (2nd, BSD): $16,500
- Wyvern (2nd, BSD): $22,500
- Criosphinx (2nd, BSD): $16,500
- Baciami (2nd, BSD): $45,000
- Stalking The Stars (2nd, BSD): $60,000
- Judging: $400
- Total: $517,900
- Total Earned: $2,388,500 [added to bank account by Ripley]
- Ending Balance: $5,076,200
February Week Three - March Week One
Starting balance: $1,110,600
From races:
- Ghostly Girl (1st, GHF): $30,000
- Impressionable (2nd, GHF): $18,000
- Roses Rampant (1st, TW): $90,000
- Valine (1st, TW): $30,000
- Wild Determination (1st, TW): $90,000
- Toss Up (1st, TW): $90,000
- Flawless Majesty (1st, TW): $90,000
- Jericho (1st, TW): $36,000
- Alucard (2nd, TW): $45,000
- Luminous Wave (1st, BSD): $66,000
- Sweet Mimosa (3rd, GHF): $15,000
- Santana's Legend (3rd, GHF): $15,000
- Monarch's Journey (3rd, BSD): $11,000
- Judging: $100
- Total: $626,100
- Phantasm Frost (1st, GHF): $120,000
- Spitterfly (3rd, GHF): $16,000
- Baciami (1st, GHF): $96,000
- Ghostly Girl (1st, GHF): $60,000
- Valine (1st, GHF): $72,000
- Stalking The Stars (2nd, GHF): $60,000
- Passionate God (1st, GHF): $72,000
- Wings of Jayde (3rd, GHF): $8,000
- Laddie Luck (1st, TW): $18,000
- Alucard (1st, TW): $90,000
- Jericho (1st, BSD): $36,000
- Grey's Wisdom (3rd, BSD): $20,000
- Judging: $1,000
- Total: $669,000
- Aphrodite's Chant (2nd, GHF): $45,000
- National Treasure (2nd, GHF): $18,000
- Monarch's Journey (3rd, GHF): $15,000
- Wyvern (3rd, TW): $15,000
- Shenanigans (1st, TW): $90,000
- Luminous Wave (3rd, TW): $15,000
- Wild Determination (2nd, BSD): $54,000
- Criosphinx (3rd, BSD): $7,500
- Optical Illusion (2nd, BSD): $22,500
- Total: $282,000
Total earned: $1,577,100 [added to bank account by Ripley]
Ending Balance: $2,687,700
February Week Two
Starting balance: $955,300
From races:
- Grey's Wisdom (2nd, GHF): $45,000
- Spirit of Liberty (2nd, GHF): $9,000
- Shenanigans (1st, GHF): $90,000
- Baciami (2nd, TW): $24,000
- Miss Magic (1st, TW): $90,000
- Passionate God (2nd, BSD): $18,000
- Stalking The Stars (2nd, BSD): $54,000
Total earned wk 2: $330,000
Ending balance: $1,285,300
February Week One
Starting balance: $800,000
From races:
- Monarch's Journey (2nd, TW): $24,000
- The Oddity (1st, TW): $45,000
- Wild Determination (2nd, BSD): $45,000
- Luminous Wave (3rd, BSD): $11,000
- Santana's Legend (3rd, BSD): $11,000
- Spitterfly (3rd, BSD): $8,000
- Criosphinx (3rd, BSD): $11,000
From judging:
- $300 from GHF
Total earned wk 1: $155,300
Ending balance: $955,300
Starting balance: $5,530,600
- Impressionable (2nd, GHF): $24,000
- Valine (1st, GHF): $36,000
- National Treasure (1st, GHF): $48,000
- Spirit of Liberty (3rd, BSD): $7,500
- Passionate God (1st, BSD): $96,000
- Wyvern (1st, BSD): $90,000
- Luminous Wave (1st, BSD): $90,000
- Wild Determination (1st, BSD): $96,000
- Criosphinx (3rd, BSD): $7,500
- Roses Rampant (2nd, BSD): $22,500
- Judging: $300
- Total: $517,800
- Hurricane (3rd, GHF): $7,500
- Alucard (3rd, TW): $15,000
- Monarch's Journey (2nd, BSD): $22,500
- Blue Moon (2nd, BSD): $22,500
- Shenanigans (2nd, BSD): $60,000
- Total: $127,500
- Jericho (1st, GHF): $36,000
- Impressionable (2nd, GHF): $24,000
- Spitterfly (2nd, GHF): $30,000
- Spirit of Liberty (3rd, GHF): $7,500
- Ghostly Girl (1st, GHF): $36,000
- Passionate God (2nd, BSD): $24,000
- Wild Determination (2nd, BSD): $60,000
- Aphrodite's Chant (2nd, BSD): $45,000
- Total: $262,500
- Blue Moon (3rd, GHF): $8,000
- The Oddity (2nd, GHF): $24,000
- Shenanigans (1st, GHF): $120,000
- National Treasure (3rd, GHF): $48,000
- Ghostly Girl (2nd, GHF): $36,000
- Laddie Luck (3rd, TW): $15,000
- Grey's Wisdom (2nd, TW): $27,000
- Roses Rampant (1st, BSD): $45,000
- Monarch's Journey (1st, BSD): $90,000
- Stalking The Stars (1st, BSD): $108,000
- Total: $521,000
- Spitterfly (2nd, GHF): $30,000
- Alucard (2nd, GHF): $45,000
- Valine (2nd, GHF): $18,000
- Optical Illusion (2nd, TW): $18,000
- Baciami (1st, TW): $108,000
- Criosphinx (1st, TW): $30,000
- Luminous Wave (1st, BSD): $90,000
- Sweet Mimosa (3rd, BSD): $15,000
- Wyvern (2nd, BSD): $45,000
- Hurricane (3rd, BSD): $7,500
- Wild Determination (3rd, BSD): $20,000
- Total: $426,500
- Jericho (2nd, GHF): $22,500
- Blue Moon (1st, GHF): $45,000
- Stalking The Stars (1st, TW): $54,000
- Valine (2nd, BSD): $48,000
- Roses Rampant (3rd, BSD): $7,500
- Monarch's Journey (1st, BSD): $90,000
- Total: $267,000
- Ghostly Girl (1st, GHF): $36,000
- National Treasure (2nd, GHF): $24,000
- Criosphinx (1st, GHF): $90,000
- Luminous Wave (3rd, GHF): $15,000
- Optical Illusion (1st, GHF): $90,000
- The Oddity (2nd, TW): $12,000
- Toss Up (2nd, TW): $45,000
- Baciami (3rd, TW): $20,000
- Flawless Majesty (3rd, TW): $15,000
- Passionate God (2nd, BSD): $60,000
- Total: $407,000
Total Earned: $2,529,300 (added to bank by Ripley)
Ending Balance: $8,059,900
April Week Two - April Week Four
Starting balance: $4,170,600
- Wyvern (3rd, GHF): $15,000
- Passionate God (2nd, TW): $24,000
- Spitterfly (1st, TW): $48,000
- Miss Magic (3rd, TW): $15,000
- Spirit of Liberty (2nd, TW): $45,000
- Santana's Legend (2nd, TW): $45,000
- Luminous Wave (2nd, BSD): $16,500
- Criosphinx (1st, BSD): $33,000
- Judging: $500
- Total: $242,000
- Monarch's Journey (2nd, GHF): $45,000
- Valine (3rd, GHF): $12,000
- Grey's Wisdom (3rd, GHF): $15,000
- Optical Illusion (2nd, GHF): $45,000
- Flawless Majesty (1st, TW): $90,000
- National Treasure (1st, BSD): $36,000
- Judging: $500
- Total: $243,500
- Ghostly Girl (2nd, GHF): $18,000
- Jericho (3rd, GHF): $6,000
- Alucard (1st, GHF): $60,000
- Phantasm Frost (2nd, GHF): $30,000
- Santana's Legend: (1st, GHF): $540,000
- Shenanigans (1st, BSD): $108,000
- Sweet Mimosa (1st, BSD): $90,000
- Fantasy Island (2nd, BSD): $22,500
- Total: $874,500
- Total earned: $1,360,000 [added to bank account by Ripley]
- Ending balance: $5,530,600
March Week Five - April Week One
Starting balance: $5,076,200
- Flawless Majesty (1st, GHF): $48,000
- Optical Illusion (1st, GHF): $60,000
- Ghostly Girl (2nd, GHF): $30,000
- Phantasm Frost (2nd, GHF): $45,000
- Alucard (1st, GHF): $90,000
- Judging: $300
- Total: $273,300
- Toss Up (2nd, GHF): $45,000
- Laddie Luck (3rd, GHF): $15,000
- Wings of Jayde (1st, GHF): $90,000
- Baciami (2nd, GHF): $45,000
- Blue Moon (2nd, TW): $22,500
- Hurricane (3rd, TW): $7,500
- Roses Rampant (1st, TW): $45,000
- National Treasure (2nd, TW): $18,000
- Impressionable (1st, BSD): $36,000
- Wyvern (1st, BSD): $45,000
- Monarch's Journey (3rd, BSD): $5,500
- Wild Determination (2nd, BSD): $24,000
- Shenanigans (2nd, BSD): $54,000
- Jericho (2nd, BSD): $18,000
- Judging: $600
- Total: $471,100
- Sugar Rush (SOPS sale): -$450,000 [subtracted from bank account by Ripley]
- Simply A Flyer (SOPS sale): -$1,200,000 [subtracted from bank account by Ripley]
Total Earned: 744,400 [added to bank account by Ripley]
Ending balance: 4,170,600
March Week Two - March Week Four
Starting Balance: $2,687,700
- Spirit of Liberty (1st, GHF): $9,000
- Santana's Legend (3rd, GHF): $15,000
- Baciami (1st, GHF): $48,000
- Laddie Luck (1st, TW): $360,000
- Flawless Majesty (1st, TW): $360,000
- Wings Of Jayde (1st, TW): $360,000
- Phantasm Frost (3rd, TW): $60,000
- Valine (1st, BSD): $36,000
- Impressionable (3rd, BSD): $15,000
- Judging: $200
- Total: $1,263,200
- Alucard (2nd, GHF): $45,000
- The Oddity (3rd, GHF): $4,000
- Jericho (2nd, GHF): $18,000
- Shenanigans (2nd, GHF): $45,000
- Miss Magic (1st, TW): $90,000
- Blue Moon (2nd, TW): $45,000
- Toss Up (1st, TW): $90,000
- Santana's Legend (1st, TW): $90,000
- Spitterfly (1st, BSD): $48,000
- Passionate God (1st, BSD): $48,000
- Monarch's Journey (1st, BSD): $24,000
- Wild Determination (2nd, BSD): $60,000
- Judging: $400
- Total: $607,400
- Spitterfly (1st, GHF): $90,000
- Impressionable (2nd, GHF): $18,000
- Valine (2nd, TW): $36,000
- Spirit of Liberty (1st, TW): $36,000
- Laddie Luck (2nd, TW): $45,000
- Blue Moon (1st, TW): $18,000
- Passionate God (2nd, TW): $24,000
- Aphrodite's Chant (1st, TW): $90,000
- Luminous Wave (2nd, BSD): $16,500
- Wyvern (2nd, BSD): $22,500
- Criosphinx (2nd, BSD): $16,500
- Baciami (2nd, BSD): $45,000
- Stalking The Stars (2nd, BSD): $60,000
- Judging: $400
- Total: $517,900
- Total Earned: $2,388,500 [added to bank account by Ripley]
- Ending Balance: $5,076,200
February Week Three - March Week One
Starting balance: $1,110,600
From races:
- Ghostly Girl (1st, GHF): $30,000
- Impressionable (2nd, GHF): $18,000
- Roses Rampant (1st, TW): $90,000
- Valine (1st, TW): $30,000
- Wild Determination (1st, TW): $90,000
- Toss Up (1st, TW): $90,000
- Flawless Majesty (1st, TW): $90,000
- Jericho (1st, TW): $36,000
- Alucard (2nd, TW): $45,000
- Luminous Wave (1st, BSD): $66,000
- Sweet Mimosa (3rd, GHF): $15,000
- Santana's Legend (3rd, GHF): $15,000
- Monarch's Journey (3rd, BSD): $11,000
- Judging: $100
- Total: $626,100
- Phantasm Frost (1st, GHF): $120,000
- Spitterfly (3rd, GHF): $16,000
- Baciami (1st, GHF): $96,000
- Ghostly Girl (1st, GHF): $60,000
- Valine (1st, GHF): $72,000
- Stalking The Stars (2nd, GHF): $60,000
- Passionate God (1st, GHF): $72,000
- Wings of Jayde (3rd, GHF): $8,000
- Laddie Luck (1st, TW): $18,000
- Alucard (1st, TW): $90,000
- Jericho (1st, BSD): $36,000
- Grey's Wisdom (3rd, BSD): $20,000
- Judging: $1,000
- Total: $669,000
- Aphrodite's Chant (2nd, GHF): $45,000
- National Treasure (2nd, GHF): $18,000
- Monarch's Journey (3rd, GHF): $15,000
- Wyvern (3rd, TW): $15,000
- Shenanigans (1st, TW): $90,000
- Luminous Wave (3rd, TW): $15,000
- Wild Determination (2nd, BSD): $54,000
- Criosphinx (3rd, BSD): $7,500
- Optical Illusion (2nd, BSD): $22,500
- Total: $282,000
Total earned: $1,577,100 [added to bank account by Ripley]
Ending Balance: $2,687,700
February Week Two
Starting balance: $955,300
From races:
- Grey's Wisdom (2nd, GHF): $45,000
- Spirit of Liberty (2nd, GHF): $9,000
- Shenanigans (1st, GHF): $90,000
- Baciami (2nd, TW): $24,000
- Miss Magic (1st, TW): $90,000
- Passionate God (2nd, BSD): $18,000
- Stalking The Stars (2nd, BSD): $54,000
Total earned wk 2: $330,000
Ending balance: $1,285,300
February Week One
Starting balance: $800,000
From races:
- Monarch's Journey (2nd, TW): $24,000
- The Oddity (1st, TW): $45,000
- Wild Determination (2nd, BSD): $45,000
- Luminous Wave (3rd, BSD): $11,000
- Santana's Legend (3rd, BSD): $11,000
- Spitterfly (3rd, BSD): $8,000
- Criosphinx (3rd, BSD): $11,000
From judging:
- $300 from GHF
Total earned wk 1: $155,300
Ending balance: $955,300