Battle Brook Stable

newBookmarkLockedFalling secret admirers [Witch Creek/Intrepid]
Ripley 9 621 by Cavallo
Aug 21, 2014 16:12:55 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Around the Bend.. [Ripley/Brooks/Mal/Nick/Adele]
Cavallo 8 541 by Cavallo
Nov 22, 2013 1:39:50 GMT -5
Thread Locked  
newBookmarkLockedFalling Fight Club. [Ripley/Nick/Others]
Cavallo 11 487 by Ripley
Oct 16, 2013 19:44:58 GMT -5

Board Information & Statistics

Battle Brook Stable is located in one of the most remote locations possible in Kentucky. It is staved away in a mountain area, in a blue-grass covered valley. A haunted creek runs through the property and a bridge must be crossed in order to get into the exclusive territory. A log cabin is at the center of the five barns which radiate in a star pattern around the center. Apartments are located above many of the barns to house employees and interns. There are three tracks: an indoor synthetic track, a dirt track and a turf track made of vibrant green hills that are the staples of BBS's all-season training program. There is also an indoor aqua pool used for rehabbing and rebuilding muscle strength into the horses. Battle Brook is a mix of rustic and high tech and despite it's haunted location is more than welcoming to all walks of life.
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